Muscle Gain Potential Calculator

(calculate your genetic potential for muscle growth)

Ever wonder how much muscle you can build naturally?

AKA how jacked can you get before taking steroids?

Decades of research have shown that your bone structure is the best determining factor for estimating how much muscle you’re able to naturally build over a lifetime.

Most men can naturally gain about 40 to 50 pounds, while women can gain about 20 to 25 pounds in their lifetimes (of pure lean muscle, not just weight).

Use our Muscle Gain Potential Calculator to see how close you are to your genetic potential for muscle building.

If you haven’t reached your genetic potential yet, it’s likely not because of:

Your testosterone levels

It’s not your crappy genetics

It’s probably your training program

While many people set out on their fitness journey with the intention of getting stronger and more muscular, they often find themselves hitting a plateau and falling short of their goals.

The answer usually lies in the absence of a structured training program.

A well-designed program is the difference between just working out, and training.

Just working out is where you often find yourself wandering aimlessly from one exercise to another, without any real direction. This lack of structure is the reason why most people don’t make it past the intermediate stage of lifting.

An intentional training program provides you with structure and an exact roadmap to exactly where you’re trying to go. You just have to follow the steps.

By having a program in place, you eliminate the guesswork and ensure that each workout is progressively overloading your muscle, getting you closer to your goal.

This means gradually increasing the demands placed upon your muscles with heavier weights, higher intensity, and greater challenges so you stimulate growth and maximize your potential for muscle hypertrophy.

Additionally, the right training program ensures that all major muscle groups are targeted, preventing imbalances and promoting a well-rounded physique. It covers a variety of exercises, including compound movements that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously and isolation exercises that target specific muscles.

A great place to start if you’re not currently following a program would be one of our FS Premium training programs, free to all Premium members (where it’s just $5 a month).

They combine scientifically proven training principles with practical guidance to ensure optimal results. Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifter, our programs can be tailored to your fitness level, ensuring that you progress at a pace that is appropriate for you.

You can check out our different programs, or sign up for FS Premium for just $5 here.


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